Parent Club
Parent Teacher Club: The Parent Teacher Club (PTC) meets monthly at the school. Parents, teachers, and community members are encouraged to attend. The PTC sponsors many activities each year for the benefit of the students and school Some of these activities may include an annual carnival, distributing food baskets during the holidays, a movie night, and family dances. The PTC organizes the main school fundraisers to help enhance the programs at Rother.
School Site Council: The Rother School Site Council is comprised of parents, teachers, classified staff, and administration. The purpose of the site council is to oversee the school's Title I program and budget the funds received from the state for school improvement.
Parent Volunteers: Parents are encouraged to participate in their child's education. There are a number of ways to volunteer:
- assisting in the classroom
- correcting papers at home
- preparing materials
- listening to students read
- assisting with fund-raising events
- helping on class field trips
Volunteers will be utilized at the discretion of the school and we do ask, for safety reasons, that all volunteers check into the office first, before heading to a classroom or playground, so that we know who is on campus at all times. If you are not wearing a visitor sticker, you may expect to be asked to return to the office to receive one. Thank you for helping to create a safe environment for our students.